For Peetz Sake/Homecoming
For Peetz Sake Days is an annual celebration, usually held in September or October. In the fall of 1969, Peetz School held the first Homecoming parade, and several years later, the Town of Peetz decided to piggy-back on the school's Homecoming celebration and dubbed it
For Peetz Sake Days.
The Peetz Lions Club is instrumental in coordinating the events each year, along with Peetz Community Church, Sacred Heart Church, Logan County Farmers Union, Peetz Telephone Co., Peetz Town Board, Peetz Fire Dept., The Hot Spot, and American Legion & Auxiliary. The Lions Club names the parade marshals each year. Events include a free meal, a craft show & bake sale, root beer floats, kids' games, a free breakfast, parade, and horseshoe tournament.

Sept. 19-21, 2024
Around the World
Peetz School Student Council chooses the parade theme each year and organizes the parade west of the school on Saturday morning.
For Peetz Sake is a 3-day event with the free meal and Craft Fair on Thursday evening, the high school volleyball/football game and crowning of Homecoming Royalty and recognition of Parade Marshals at half-time of the football game on Friday night, and the Fireman's Breakfast, the parade, children's games, including a peddle tractor pull, peewee volleyball/football games (SPYFL),For Peetz Sake Day events, Horseshoe Tournament, and the Homecoming dance for the high school on Saturday evening, and live music at the Hot Spot in Peetz.
Parade Marshals
Two longtime community members, Lee Walz and Carl Roelle have named the 2024 Parade Marshals for For Peetz Sake Days.
Roelle was born and raised in the Peetz area, graduating from Peetz High School in 1972, and married Linda Rennewanz in April 1973. Carl and Linda had two sons, Donnell and Derick. Carl worked as a welder for several welding companies in the area, all the while farming with his dad. Linda passed away in September 2021. Carl enjoys following his grandchildren's sporting events in Leyton, NE.
Lee Walz was born and raised in the Crook area, graduating from Crook High School in 1955. He enlisted in the Navy when he was 17 and served 4 years. He met Janice Meyer at a dance in Peetz and they were married. Lee re-enlisted in the Navy where he was promoted to be a commissioned officer. Janice and their son Richard, followed Lee wherever they sailed. Lee retired in 1976 and the couple lived in Virginia Beach. After 20 years there, they retired to a farm in the Peetz area where they raised Red Angus cattle and farmed. Janice passed way in April 2024.